搜索 Serge

  • 电影
    После измены мужа, героиня сериала по имени Ольга, так и не смогла найти силы для прощения. Супруг ушел жить к молодой любовнице, совершенно позабыв о том, что у него есть родн…
  • Deramo, kind, but simple-hearted king of Serendippe, wishes to marry. But here's the problem: how to find out which of the contenders really loves Deramo, and which one simply counts on the royal throne? The wizard Durandarte gives the king a statue of a fool who laughs if someone says untruth. Outwardly, the idiot is …
  • 电影
    When the world is in danger, superheroes come to rescue humanity. they are stronger, faster, smarter than ordinary people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But what would happen if superheroes would not be around, and the world's rescue team will be made of selfish, irresponsible twenties …
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影喜剧
    德高望重的亚历山大(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)多年来一直是米其林餐厅的三星主厨,但是近来他的境遇却屡现危机。当下的法国料理界正是”分子料理”风靡,传统料理日渐衰落的时代,亚历山大所坚持的传统料理很有可能会在即将到来的星级评审中落败,餐厅的小开更是翘首以盼可以就此炒了他。正当亚历山大焦头烂额之时,一名名不见经传的小厨师杰克…
  • 电影喜剧
    A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of his friends. One day, sounds were heard from Matt's apartment and Anthony went to check what happened there. Suddenly, …
  • 电视剧剧情
    同一个城市中,三个彼此陌生的家庭都出事了,三个婚姻失败的家庭孤独无助难以自拔,不约而同想换 个活法,逃避现实生活的残酷。一个有着一段风雨过去的女人介入了他们的颠覆,等待他们的是无尽的未知,疯狂玩乐代孕艳遇快意恩仇。有人选择顺从宿命,有人选择逆天而爱,历经了万水千山,是重新回头还是拒绝,他们该如何面对?
  • 电影喜剧
    曾经在黑道中呼风唤雨的发哥(吴镇宇 饰)在挨过了漫漫十六年的牢狱之灾后终于重获自由,然而,刚刚出狱没多久,发哥便决定着手实施他在狱中早已经设计好的惊天劫案。于是,机械高手丧宝(任达华 饰)、造型师杜公子(谭耀文 饰)、飞车辣手林东(郑浩南 饰),这些昔日弟兄们重新聚首,将目标放到了一辆运送黑钱的运尸车上。  徐安良(古巨基…