- How long is your list of lovers, and what have they taught you about life? Facing a life changing event Josh Bronstein creates his list of all of his lovers. From X-Wives to current girlfriends this vivid story follows his wacky relationships. Nothing is off limits as Josh uses the list to explore his greatest losses a…
- Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by …
- 1987年波兰和苏联合拍的恐怖科幻片。现在看来这仍然是一部节奏紧凑的片子。随剧情发展,影片把人从现实世界一点点带入到神秘恐怖的事件中。每当一个谜题揭开,新的发现就会让人更为震惊。最震撼的是…… 上世纪50年代初,特拉文随法军入侵印度,在老挝的寺院中掠走一尊金像,金像的一个蛇头状饰物中藏有一份古老的神秘手稿。30年后,手稿被一位…