- A convict is released from prison and is in desperate need of money. He decides to sell his aunt's house but soon discovers that she is a witch and her house contains all kinds of evil horrors.
- Deramo, kind, but simple-hearted king of Serendippe, wishes to marry. But here's the problem: how to find out which of the contenders really loves Deramo, and which one simply counts on the royal throne? The wizard Durandarte gives the king a statue of a fool who laughs if someone says untruth. Outwardly, the idiot is …
- 蒙特利尔下起了雪。市中心的鹤在跳催眠芭蕾时,两个陌生人在一间未完工的公寓里随机相遇。他们的偶然相遇导致了一种暴力的吸引和超越理性的依赖。有一个人是俄罗斯出生的职业杂技演员,他的未来受到断腿的威胁。另一个是一个沉默寡言、仪表堂堂的人。谁支配着谁?谁又控制着谁?事实证明,爱情是痛苦的,人际关系是复杂的。
- 雇佣兵理查德·布鲁梅雷,又名“拉·米斯特”(代号“迷雾”),曾是一名神秘的法国特勤局特工。由于 25 年前他为儿子阿奇博尔德争取的豁免权被取消,他不得不重操旧业。一场犯罪活动威胁到阿奇博尔德的生命,为了拯救自己的儿子,理查德没有更好的选择,只好求助于他的旧相识,并与一群鲁莽的年轻人和一名另类的官僚合作。但对理查德来说,最重…
- 岁月流逝,人生周转,见惯了爱人们的喜怒哀乐,不觉便看淡了婚礼上的信誓旦旦。失去的终将失去,一切都随风而逝,不触动一丝涟漪。 在友人的婚礼上,男人(Aaron Eckhart 艾伦•艾克哈克 饰)与女人(Helena Bonham Carter海伦娜•博纳姆•卡特 饰)相遇。他们是一对分手多年的夫妻,血气方刚的年龄毁掉了原本海誓山盟的爱情,多年后再次见面…
- A convict is released from prison and is in desperate need of money. He decides to sell his aunt's house but soon discovers that she is a witch and her house contains all kinds of evil horrors.