- 典子は夫・明夫と3年セックスレスだ。典子の母・春江は娘とは対照的で、夫と性の不一致で別れた後、恋愛を自由に楽しんでいる。そんな春江に手作りジャムを届けた後、典子は通りかかった開店前のバー・アモーレの店内で、理恵と愛人・楠田が熱いキスを交わしているのを目撃してしまう。驚いた典子は逃げるように通り過ぎた。 ある日、ヨガ教…
- Two young friends psychiatrists perceive life differently. One desires to act by the rules. The other one prefers experimenting. One is a hard worker while the second one likes to break the silence. One loves with hate, the other one hates with love. It's a pity they both have one passion - Katherina Sergeevna. To one …
- After a failed suicide attempt, a young man coping with loss and depression, submits to a series of trials that fine-tune human emotions, but his unique reaction to the tests send him on a journey that transcends both physical and perceived reality.