The year 1994 marked the beginning of the career for Canadian actor Shawn Roberts. Born in Stratford, Ontario, Canada on April 2, Shawn lucked upon a life-changing break while he was portraying the part of the Wolf in a school play version of Little Red Riding Hood. Award-winning screenwriter Robert Forsyth, father of one of Shawn's friends, spotted Roberts while attending this play. Through Forsythe's efforts, Shawn was then recommended to a Toronto acting agency. He had a guest appearance on the TV series Sirens (1993) in 1994 before landing a regular role in 1996 on the new series Emily of New Moon (1998). Throughout the rest of the 1990s, Shawn generally remained on television, showing up on various series before striking gold with his first movie appearance. In 2000, he gained a part in the first X-Men (2000) movie, playing Rogue's boyfriend Cody. Since 2000, the career of Shawn Roberts thus balanced out appropriately well between television and film work.
出生地:加拿大,安大略省,多伦多星座:天秤座职业:演员昵称:Kitten, Cat丈夫:Rob Gils因出演美国广播公司(英文:American Broadcasting Company,简称abc)的热播医务剧《实习医生格蕾》(英文:《Grey's Anatomy》)及《私人诊所》(英文:《Private Practice》)中的Amelia Shepherd (《实习医生格蕾》中Derek Shepherd的妹妹)而被众人熟知。同时她主演的加拿大Syfy频道年度迷你剧《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(英文:《Alice》)中的爱丽丝汉密尔顿(Alice Hamilton)也被众人所喜爱。