大卫·布拉德利1971年正式出道成为演员,曾出演过《美国队长》、《哈利波特与魔法石》、《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》等电影。1991年,因为在《李尔王》中的出色表演,获得了劳伦斯·奥利奖最佳男配角奖。2009年,与迈克·冈本等人一同出演哈罗德品特的作品No Man's Land, 再次提名奥利弗奖。他常常在影视剧中扮演脾气古怪的老头。
凯文·杜兰德于1974年1月14日在加拿大安大略珊德湾(英文:Thunder Bay)出生,并在圣伊格内修 高中(英文:St. Ignatius High School (Thunder Bay))就读,他十五岁时接触戏剧,第一次演出便是在高 中戏剧堂中。1994年,凯文·杜兰入读温莎大学戏剧系进修,但是他最后中途辍学,转移到多伦多的地方 舞台戏剧工作了好几年。他第一次大型电影演出就是《决战阿拉斯加》(英文:Mystery, Alaska) 他最为人所熟悉的角色包括美国电视剧《末世黑天使》(英文:Dark Angel)的变种人约书亚(英 文:Joshua)和《迷失》(英文:Lost)中的反派马丁·克米(英文:Martin Keamy)。 凯文·杜兰初期饰演的电影包括有《决战阿拉斯加》的Tree、《捍卫家园》(英文:Walking Tall)的 Booth、《荒野大飙客》(英文:Wild Hogs)的飞车党首领Red、《皇牌追杀令》(英文:Smokin' Aces)的精神病新纳粹党员Jeeves Tremor,但都只是寥寥过场,没有多大机会充分发挥角色。 直到罗素·高尔和基斯顿·比尔主演的《决战犹马镇》(英文:3:10 to Yuma),凯文·杜兰饰演的 Tucker才有较多戏份,更加在《Otis E》(英文:Otis E)中担任主角。而制作中的《X战警:金钢狼》 (英文:X-Men Origins: Wolverine),宣布由凯文·杜兰饰演波比(英文:Blob)一角。另外他在百老汇 舞台剧《汤姆历险记》中出演一角。由于他高大的体格和充满肌肉的身材,他常常出演令人生畏的暴徒以及被法律所不能容忍的角色 。精通法语;1994年 被评为加拿大最滑稽的新搞笑人物之一
Born in Heidelberg; a curious and shy boy; found the key for his world through passion for music, dance and theater; Richard studied music and drama in Germany, acting and direction in France and method acting with Susan Strasberg and Francesca de Sapio in Italy. He first went on stage in 1981 at the local theater Hildesheim, then, from 1983 in France on independent stages, at national theaters and in the streets. In 1989 he moved to Italy and met Susan Strasberg: His cinema debut was in 1990 starring in "Il Piacere delle Carni" by Barbara Barni. In 1993, he moved to Paris and got the leading role in the film version of Brechts/Eislers" The Lindbergh's Flight". Since then he has worked on film, television, theater and dance productions all over Europe, in Canada, South Africa, USA, Macedonia, Morocco which brought him happiness and a lot of richly diversified creative and thrilling experiences Richard lives in Berlin and Paris since 2007. He speaks 5 languages fluently, travels a lot and loves to be challenged.
在2012年的同性题材电影Morgan中扮演Dean Kagen一角,塑造了一个完美的同性恋人角色。Newcomer Jack Kesy was raised in New York City.He also lived in East Germany as a child, and in Poland.Before studying theatre in London, Jack served in The Unites States Marine Corps.He has a passion for tennis having played with many ATP tour players.Film credits include Yelling to the Sky and Grand Street.He’s also appeared on stage in Diary Of Anne Frank and The Last Night of Ballyhoo.Knowing his reputation for helping young actors hone their craft, Jack was eager to work with Michael Akers.He also wanted to do a gay role noting, “A lot of big actors played gay roles before they were famous,” including Al Pacino in Cruising.Jack credits Pacino with inspiring him to be an actor after seeing Pacino in Scent of a Woman.