作品列表2009-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 小叮当与失去的宝藏 Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (演员)廷克·贝尔与失去的宝藏 / 奇妙仙子与失落的宝藏Tinker Bell: North of NeverlandI Tinker Bell kai o hamenos thisavros2008-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 小叮当 Tinker Bell (演员)廷克·贝尔 / 奇妙仙子Fée Clochette, LaThe Tinker Bell Movie2007-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 驯鹿罗比 Robbie the Reindeer in Close Encounters of the Herd Kind (演员)2. 此镇不准人离开 No One Gets Off in This Town (演员)2006-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 街区 "The Street" (演员)Untitled Jimmy McGovern Project2. 神奇的普里查夫人 The Amazing Mrs Pritchard (演员)"A csodálatos Mrs. Pritchard""Den fantastiska mrs Pritchard"2005-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 摇滚兄弟 Brothers of the Head (演员)Xifópagos e Roqueiros2. 僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride (演员)地狱新娘 / 骷髅新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘Tim Burton's Corpse BrideEl cadáver de la novia2004-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 舞动奇迹 Strictly Come Dancing (演员)来跳舞2001-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 隐形巨人 Ivor the Invisible (演员)2. 圣诞礼赞 Christmas Carol: The Movie (演员)Weihnachtsmärchen, EinCuento de Navidad, de Charles Dickens2000-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 小鸡快跑 Chicken Run (演员)落跑鸡 / 咪走鸡 / 小鸡也暴动 / 酷鸡大逃亡 / 跑路小鸡 / 小鸡大逃亡C:R-12. Born Romantic (演员)3. 镜面玻璃球 Mirrorball (演员)MirrorballPeilipallo1999-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 仙境迷踪 Faeries (演员)Entführung ins Elfenreich2. 驯鹿大竞赛 Hooves of Fire (演员)洛比传奇Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire3. The Flint Street Nativity (演员)1998-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 哑巴歌手 Little Voice (演员)小嗓门 / 声光乍洩The Rise and Fall of Little VoiceKol Katan1994-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 夺爱 Second Best (演员)1993-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 歌厅 Cabaret (演员)1992-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 坏女孩 Bad Girl (演员)2. 荒唐阿姨 Absolutely Fabulous (演员)Absolutely FabulousAb Fab1990-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 女巫 The Witches (演员)2. 孟菲斯美女号 Memphis Belle (演员)英烈的岁月3. 甜蜜生活 Life Is Sweet (演员)生活多美好1989-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 挡不住的激情 Getting It Right (演员)2. 心田 Heartland (演员)3. 十五条街道 The Fifteen Streets (演员)15 Straßen zum GlückViisitoista katua1987-简·霍洛克斯 Jane Horrocks1. 路 Road (演员)TieRoad
He has appeared in films including The Madness of King George (1994), Gosford Park (2001), Vera Drake (2004), The History Boys (2006), The Kings Speech (2010), Les Misérables (2012) and 1917 (2019). He is also known for his roles in television such as Cranford (2007–2009), Upstairs Downstairs (2010–2012), The Paradise (2013), Crashing (2016), A Very English Scandal (2018), and Killing Eve (2019).Scarborough is also an accomplished theatre actor and won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 2011 for his role in the Terence Rattigan play After the Dance. He will appear in Tom Stoppard's new play Leopoldstadt from January 2020 at Wyndham's Theatre in London.