
  • 爆谷一周3Charlie

    Charlie  伊德里斯·艾尔巴 饰


    伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴,英文名Idris Elba,英国男演员,制片人。1972年09月06日出生于英国伦敦。曾参演电影《普罗米修斯》、《环太平洋》等。

  • 爆谷一周3David

    David  约翰·约瑟夫·菲尔德 饰


    During his college years, he and his friends put on productions of Shakespeare in the local pub.Began acting in school.He was born in Boulder, Colorado but moved to England as a baby.At seventeen, he spent a year back-packing in Tibet with his older brother. On his return, he began attending Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art but found it hard to settle back in. Ultimately, though, he did graduate.Education: Fine Arts College Hampstead, Webber Douglas Academy Of Dramatic Arts (graduated 1999).Family: Two older brothers, one of whom traveled through Tibet with JJ at age seventeen, and one younger sister.Favorite songs: Mike Scott's She is so Beautiful, Pavarotti's Una Furtiva Lagrima, Johnny Cash's One.Favourite movies: The Lion in Winter (1968), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Last Orders (2001).Favorite books: Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche, The Lonely Planet series, Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks.Attented Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Graduated in 1999.Was in a relationship with actress Kelly Reilly.

  • 爆谷一周3Sara

    Sara  派珀·佩拉博 饰


    大学毕业后,派珀搬到纽约,不久后就参与电影《Single Spaced 》的演出派珀·佩拉博。首次担纲演出重要角色是在1999年的电影《Whiteboyz》。2000年,她在电影《飞鼠洛基冒险记》中饰演ㄧ名FBI探员。但真正让观众惊艳的是《女狼俱乐部》,她在片中饰演一位勇于追求自己梦想的词曲创作家。2001年她开始演出加拿大独立制片电影《意乱情迷》。这几年陆陆续续都有精彩的表现。接连不断的片约,精湛的演出,好莱坞女星派珀正在发光发热中。05的《四角关系》也是一部非常清新亮丽之作