
  • 潘老师求爱记BertTrautmann

    BertTrautmann  大卫·克劳斯 饰



  • 潘老师求爱记Margaret

    Margaret  弗雷娅·梅弗 饰


    在皮囊第五季的演员采访里,Freya Mavor是这么说的:"Hi, I'm Freya and I'm from Edinburgh. I got the part through the open auditions in Bristol. I overheard about them in conversation on a bus and thought this was something I needed to be part of! I went along, queued for hours, made friends - it was crazy but all totally worth it! It's insane to think I'm in Skins, I've always been a fan and I'm so lucky that I'm in something which I've always admired."

  • 潘老师求爱记哈利·米尔林

    哈利·米尔林  哈利·米尔林 饰


    哈利·米尔林1989年3月13日出生于英国伦敦。哈利是帕特里克·特拉夫顿的孙子。哈利的愿望是长大后和朋友一起合开一家电影公司。他和弟弟一块在亨顿中学上学,并且每周六上午在苏尼尔多戏剧学校学习表演。他还加入了米菲尔德剧院青年剧团。哈利在只有四岁的时候,就喜欢在家人的面前展示自己颇有天分的表演才能。除了电影之外,他还和许多年轻的同龄人一样喜欢敲鼓和观看足球比赛。 作为一个麻瓜,他在《哈利·波特》系列中很好的表现出他对...

  • 潘老师求爱记Poll

    Poll  麦斯米兰·贝佛特 饰


    the 23-year-old actor speaks several languages including English, Spanish, French and his native German. He lists basketball, swimming, diving, volleyball, juggling and and playing the piano as some of his interests. Befort is definitely one hot guy. Maximilian reminds me of a combination of Colin Farrell and Henry Cavill all rolled up into one tasty concoction. Check out a few pics of him below and see if you agree with that. Side note, if you’re feeling a little naughty, Google screen shots of him from “Romeos”. He’s got one bodacious booty. YUM.Read more at: