
  • 血色迷情LindsayBluthFünke

    LindsayBluthFünke  波西亚·德·罗西 饰


    Born Amanda Lee Rogers in Horsham, Victoria, Australia. she is the daughter of Margaret, a medical receptionist, and Barry Rogers.[3] She was raised in Grovedale, a suburb of Geelong in Victoria, Australia. As a child, she modeled for print and TV commercials. She adopted the name Portia de Rossi at the age of 15, stating in 2005 that she had intended to reinvent herself, using the given name of Portia, a character from William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, and an Italian last name.[4]  Her first significant role was playing a young and impressionable model in the Australian 1994 film Sirens. Soon afterwards she moved to Los Angeles and had guest roles on several TV shows, and a permanent role in Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher, before landing a role in the film Scream 2. During this time in the United States, de Rossi worked diligently to replace her native Australian accent with her current General American one.[5]  She attracted international attention when she joined the main cast of the Ally McBeal TV series in 1998 playing lawyer Nelle Porter. She remained with the show until its end in 2002. In 2001, she starred in Who Is Cletis Tout? with Christian Slater.  From 2003–2006, de Rossi starred as Lindsay Bluth Fünke on Fox Television's critically acclaimed, Emmy-winning series Arrested Development.  She also portrayed John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, in the made for TV movie America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story in 2003. In 2005 she portrayed a fortune-teller named Zela in the Wes Craven thriller Cursed. From 2007–2008, de Rossi appeared in Nip/Tuck's fifth season as Julia McNamara's girlfriend Olivia Lord.  In 2009 and 2010, de Rossi played the high-strung, oversexual, and controlling Veronica Palmer on the ABC show Better Off Ted. De Rossi will reprise her role as Lindsay Bluth Fünke in 2012's film adaptation of Arrested Development.[6]  She ranked 69th in Stuff's 100 Sexiest Women, 31 in Femme Fatales' Sexiest Women of 2003 list, 24 in Maxim's 100 Sexiest Women List in 2004, and in late 2006, the magazine Blender listed her as one of the hottest women of film and TV.[7] In May 2007, she was featured as one of 100 Most Beautiful in a People magazine special edition. TV Guide included her and Ellen DeGeneres in their Power A-List couples in 2007.  Portia de Rossi is openly gay.[4] She was married to documentary film-maker Mel Metcalfe from 1996 to 1999, initially part of a plan to get a green card, but she did not go through with it. She said that "it just obviously wasn't right for me".[4] In a 2010 interview on Good Morning America she explained that as a young actress she was fearful of being exposed as gay.[8]  From 2000 to 2004, de Rossi dated singer Francesca Gregorini, daughter of actress Barbara Bach and stepdaughter of Ringo Starr. She said most of her family and Ally McBeal castmates did not know she was a lesbian until tabloid pictures of the couple were published.[4] She declined to publicly discuss the relationship or her sexual orientation at the time.  De Rossi and Gregorini broke up in late 2004 as de Rossi began dating talk-show host/comedian Ellen DeGeneres, whom she met backstage at an awards show.[9] In 2005, she opened up publicly about her sexual orientation in interviews with Details and The Advocate. She became engaged when DeGeneres proposed with a 3-carat diamond ring.[10] They were married at their Beverly Hills home on August 16, 2008, witnessed by their mothers and 17 other guests.[10] On August 6, 2010, Portia filed a petition to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres.[11] The petition was granted on 23 September 2010.[12] She became a US citizen in September 2011.[13]  De Rossi struggled with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa for four years while filming Ally McBeal.[9][14]  In 2010 de Rossi published the autobiography Unbearable Lightness which talks about the turmoil that she has experienced in her life, including suffering from anorexia nervosa and being misdiagnosed with lupus.[15][16][17] To promote the book, she appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.[16]  De Rossi supports a variety of charitable organizations, including Locks of Love, a group that provides human hair wigs (made from donated ponytails) either free of charge or on a sliding scale based on their own guidelines [18][19][20][21] for children with alopecia and other medical conditions that cause hair loss.[22] She has also supported fundraising efforts for FXB International,[23] an African AIDS relief organisation, and The Art of Elysium,[24] an art foundation for terminally ill children. An avid animal lover, de Rossi also supports Alley Cat Allies,[25] an organisation dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of cats.[26]

  • 血色迷情MichaelBluth

    MichaelBluth  杰森·贝特曼 饰



  • 血色迷情TobiasFünke

    TobiasFünke  大卫·克罗斯 饰


    David Cross (born April 4, 1964) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, singer, and voice artist, known primarily for his standup work, the HBO sketch comedy series Mr. Show, and his role as Tobias Fünke in the sitcom Arrested Development. Cross created, wrote, executive produced, and starred in The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, developed and had a prominent role in Freak Show, appeared on Modern Family, portrayed Ian Hawke in the Alvin and the Chipmunks film franchise, and voiced Crane in the Kung Fu Panda film franchise.

  • 血色迷情GeorgeBluthSr.

    GeorgeBluthSr.  杰弗里·塔伯 饰


    喜欢科幻片的,一定记得《外星人保罗》那个贱贱的签名售书的作家,或者《地狱男爵》两部电影里面那个负责人。 最著名的角色是:《发展受阻Arrested Development》的主演,男主的父亲George Bluth Sr.,2次提名艾美奖喜剧类最佳男配角奖。在90年代的节目《The Larry Sanders Show拉里桑德斯秀》里演Hank Kingsley,四次提名艾美奖喜剧类最佳男配角奖。 在七八十年代各种客串,也演过不少电视电影,大部分都是小角色。比如《家庭主夫 Mr. Mom》《幕后杀手 Radioland Murders》《天使神差 Brenda Starr》《怪医杜立德》《波拉克 Pollock》《宿醉 The Hangover》全三部里的Sid,《波普先生的企鹅 Mr. Popper's Penguins》《外星人保罗》等。比如电视剧《三人行 Three's Company》《傲骨贤妻》《灵媒缉凶》《灵异妙探 Psych》《CSI》等。还当过《Hollywood Squares》的主持人。

  • 血色迷情George-MichaelBluth

    George-MichaelBluth  迈克尔·塞拉 饰


    塞拉1988年6月7日出生在加拿大安大略省的Brampton,父亲是意大利人,母亲来自魁北克省,家里还有一个姐姐和一个妹妹。最早塞拉是被连锁店品牌Tim Hortons的Summer Camp广告请进了镜头,他后来在电视上看到了自己并把它录了下来。2002年,塞拉在乔治·克鲁尼执导的犯罪喜剧影片《Confessions of a Dangerous Mind》中饰演了Sam Rockwell的少年时代,还为动画片《The Berenstain Bears》系列中的Brother Bear配音。迈克尔·塞拉是一位电视喜剧明星和电影演员,最知名的银幕角色要属FOX剧集《发展受阻》中出演的George Michael Bluth一角,还客串过CW电视台noir风格的青春剧集《美眉校探》,以及Adult Swim频道的《Tom Goes to the Mayor》、《Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!》等剧。2006年,在著名的Aleksey Vayner“Impossible is Nothing”视频简历事件之后,迈克尔·塞拉戏仿这位耶鲁毕业生也给自己打造了一份名为“Impossible is the Opposite of Possible”的简历;可以说他是目前好莱坞新生代中拥有最卓著和独特的喜剧天赋的代表之一。2007年他在叫好又叫座的青春片黑马《太坏了》中和乔纳·希尔出演了一对性格迥异的死党,最新电影作品是和艾莲·佩奇合作的《朱诺》一片,一部关于未成年人意外怀孕的黑色喜剧。塞拉和Clark Duke的个人网站上可以看到一些他们自导自演的短剧,结果为此得到了CBS的签约,让两个人放手制作名为《Clark and Michael》的系列幽默短剧,通过CBS的新网络频道Innertube播出,当中还可以看到在David Cross、Andy Richter以及Patton Oswalt等人的客串表演。此外迈克尔·塞拉还同Clark Duke、Christian Buenaventura组成了一支名为“The Long Goodbye”的乐队。

  • 血色迷情GobBluth

    GobBluth  威尔·阿奈特 饰


    阿奈特就读的是一所法语高中,曾入学蒙特利尔市康考迪亚大学但在一个学期之后辍学。同时在母亲的鼓励之下,阿奈特在多伦多参与了一些广告试镜,逐渐明白表演将是他未来要走的道路。1990年,20岁的威尔·阿奈特搬到纽约并且进入李·斯特拉斯伯格戏剧电影学院学习表演。他最先是在戏剧舞台上演出,直到在菲丽西提·霍夫曼主演的独立影片《Erie》中得到了第一个角色。 1996年,威尔·阿奈特开始往电视圈寻求发展,他同Kevin Pollak等人出演了一部名为《The Underworld》剧集但未能被CBS电视台挑中播出。接下来他出现在了好友Dave McLaughlin执导的影片《Southie》当中。1999年,阿奈特出演的第二部电视剧《The Mike O'Malley》被NBC通过,但只播出短短两集就被取消。2000年被威尔·阿奈特描述成自己生命中“最黑暗的一年”,他只能依靠酒精来打发那段没有工作的日子,好在这时一位友人拉了阿奈特一把,最终好不容易从酒精中解脱出来,重新把注意力集中在事业上面。2001年,威尔·阿奈特在为CBS创作的剧集《Loomis》中出演主人公的懒鬼弟弟,这部剧再次没能播出。2002年他出演的第四部电视剧《Still Standing》反响不俗并且连续 播出了数年,但是阿奈特的角色却在CBS最终播出的时候被删掉了。就当这一连串的失败让他觉得应该放弃电视领域之际,他的经纪人为其争取了为FOX创作的喜剧《Arrested Development》的面试机会。2003年,威尔·阿奈特终于凭借该剧中“G.O.B.”的角色获得了成功,不但是全剧最受观众欢迎的角色之一,而且让他在06年获得了艾美奖喜剧部门杰出男配角奖的提名。虽然《Arrested Development》广受评论界的肯定,但最终还是由于收视率不佳而被取消,不过这一次威尔·阿奈特的事业不会由此而停滞不前,他在一系列电影中得到了重要的角色。尽管之前威尔·阿奈特出演的只是一般的戏剧角色,但在《Arrested Development》中喜剧表演获得肯定之后,人们总是将他的形象和有点自鸣得意的搞笑不良分子联系起来,来找他合作电影的人也多半把他当成一位“喜剧演员”。2006年,阿奈特主演了第一部电影《同居牢友》(Let's Go to Prison),由鲍勃·奥登科克执导,影片拍摄成本仅为400万美元,上映所得收入恰好也是这个数,但还在DVD出租市场上收回了1300万美元,算是小有惊喜。接下来他在威尔·法瑞尔和乔恩·海德主演的喜剧片《荣誉之刃》中担任配角,和自己的妻子艾米·波哈尔出演一对目中无人的冰上双人滑明星兄妹。该片连续两周占据票房榜榜首,北美票房总收入达到1180万美元。同时威尔·阿奈特还在电视剧《King of The Hill》和《30 Rock》中客串亮相,并且密集出演了《Spring Breakdown》、《Hot Rod》、《The Comebacks》以及《On Broadway》等影片,《On Broadway》的导演也正式在阿奈特出道初期最高给过他角色(《Southie》)的Dave McLaughlin。阿奈特主演的第二部影片是再次携手导演鲍勃·奥登科克的喜剧片《所罗门兄弟》,与他演对手戏的则是Saturday Night Live的喜剧明星Will Forte。他还在喜剧片《半职业选手》中有一个主要的配角角色,这也是他第二次同威尔·法瑞尔合作。阿奈特有2个姐姐和1个弟弟。他的父亲是企业律师,1997年到2000年曾出任Molson啤酒厂的总裁, 并且是哈佛大学毕业生。1994年,阿奈特和女星佩内洛普·安·米勒结婚,1995年闪离。他离婚后和女演员密斯·耶格同居了4年。2001年,阿奈特和艾米·波勒开始约会,两人在2003年结婚。 2008年10月25日,波勒在纽约市生了一个儿子威廉·爱默生·阿内特·阿奇博尔德。 2010年8月6日,波勒生下儿子亚伯·波勒·詹姆斯·阿奈特。直到2012年9月两人宣布结束9年的婚姻生活。

  • 血色迷情LucilleBluth

    LucilleBluth  杰西卡·沃尔特 饰


    电视剧《发展受阻》的主演Lucille Bluth,男主迈克尔的妈,获得艾美奖提名。 电视动画片《间谍亚契 Archer》里面的主要人物男主的老妈的配音。客串过《新飞越情海》里的Tabitha Wilson。以前小神龙俱乐部播过的动画片《恐龙家族》里那只男主恐龙的老婆Fran Sinclair的配音。 出演71年的电影《迷雾追魂 Play Misty for Me》获得金球奖提名,66年的电影《霹雳神风 Grand Prix》获得金球奖提名,79年的电视剧《Trapper John, MD 》获得艾美奖提名,出演72年的电视剧《The Streets of San Francisco》获得艾美奖提名。