- On an amorous tryst with a young girl, an inexperienced young man has his bliss interrupted when the girl's lover startles them. In the ensuing fracas, the lover is fatally shot. The young man admits that he fired the fatal bullet, and the young girl becomes a credible eyewitness for the prosecution. Against these over…
- Tom Patel and Jerry Patel. These Patel boys are no less than real life animated characters themselves. They live together in a rented apartment in Mumbai, and have no specific jobs. Both are mostly direction-less, and their only hope in life is optimism. Tom (Shiv Pandit) owes Ranchod (Varun Badola) some money, and his…
- Amar, Meet and Prem go into a small town where they encounter a 'femme fatale' in the form of Ragini. Ragini is everything they had dreamed of, but she slowly turns into their worst nightmare!