- 面临倒闭的汽配厂被一家股份制企业兼并,厂里一批员工被解散而遭遇失业。车间主任刘卫星和他的徒弟张会来也在其中。张会来有个“双眼看钱,待价而活”的女朋友,而刘卫星有一个特殊家庭:妻子病逝,女儿、老丈人和他群组成了特殊的三口之家。所以师徒两人不期而至的瞒着他们走了上再就业的艰难历程。卫星做了一个市场管理员,会来卖过小商品,可…
- Karle Pyaar Karle is an adrenaline gushing, action packed, edgy love story of two rebels, Kabir & Preet, playing the game of life.
- 'Nostalgia for the Future' is a film on Indian modernity, the making of the citizen and the architecture of the home. It looks at four distinct imaginations of homes and bodies across examples of buildings made over the period of a century. The film explores these spaces and the bodies that were imagined to inhabit the…
- 《德云社烧饼相声专场沈阳站》是德云社相声演员烧饼的相声专场秀。烧饼凭借深厚的表演功底被观众所喜爱,而他的夸张表演风格更是被人津津乐道,喜欢烧饼的朋友们可千万不要错过他的相声专场秀哦!