- The American musician Rickie falls in love with the prostitute Sara, who pretends to be a princess. As they escape together, Rickie gets into a dangerous adventure...
- 什么是电影特效,股票市场,和心脏病的共同点?它们连接了一个革命性的新的数学分支,改变了我们看世界,开辟了广阔的新领域,以科学的分析和理解。数学家们开发不规则碎片形是从单纯的好奇心到接触几乎每一个分科的理解,包括我们宇宙的命运。
- Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that …
- A small village is haunted by strange and awful murders. The scared villagers turn to two officials in search for help to solve the crimes. The investigations point to a very perfidious kind of murders: All victims were nibbled off shortly before or after their death. Could an animal be the cause of the strange bite tr…