搜索 Rene

  • 电影
  • 电影动作
    摩根·弗里曼、鲁比·罗丝将主演动作惊悚片[征服](Vanquish,暂译)。乔治·加洛([中间人])执导,加洛与Samuel Bartlett共同操刀剧本。弗里曼饰演一位退休的警察局长,他通过绑架他的看护人(罗丝)的女儿来勒索她,迫使她帮助他,欺骗他腐败的警察团队,企图清理整座城市。该片已在密西西比州比洛克西开拍。
  • 电影
    Monochrome is a psychological thriller about a disillusioned young woman who flees to the countryside after her boyfriend is arrested for hiding millions of pounds of stolen pension funds. Relying on casual work from wealthy landowners to survive, Emma reacts against her indentured servitude with extreme violence, soon…
  • Don Phelan, the ace newsreel reporter falls in love with , Wilma Howell, the daughter of the owner of another newsreel company that is a bitter rival of the one Don Works for. The rivalry between the two companies, with cameramen nudging each other out of the way, sabotage acts by one against the other, and reporters f…
  • 电影都市
  • 电影
    Raja is a money minded youth who goes to the UK to earn big bucks. One fine day, he comes across Srijata who ditches her family for her long time boyfriend. As time passes by, Srijata gets cheated by her boyfriend big time and is left stranded in the states. Twist in the tale arises when Srijata requests Raja to come a…
  • 电影爱情
    何塞(Enrique Salanic 饰)是一名19岁的青年,生活在瓜地马拉市,和母亲过着相依为命的生活。在离开了何塞的父亲后,何塞的母亲终身未再嫁,因此,给她养老的沉重负担便落在了何塞的身上。比起赡养母亲,还有另一件事情让何塞更加的身心疲惫,那就是他是一名同性恋者,在隐藏这个秘密的同时,何塞还要想方设法的发泄深藏在内心里的欲望,充满了…
  • A man and his daughter-in-law run a small hotel. When he finds out that his daughter's lover is on the run from the police, he tries to blackmail her. Enraged, she attacks and kills him. Now she and her lover must come up with a plan to get rid of the body and divert any suspicion away from her.