- 尤里(丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基 Danila Kozlovsky 饰)原本是莫斯科王牌球队的队长兼主力,因为痛失点球情绪失控不得不提前退役,退役后的生活颓废至极,在父亲的劝说下,他来到了俄罗斯边远小城,成为了这个城市唯一一支球队——流星队的主教练。尤里由于脾气火爆,跟球队经理(伊琳娜·戈尔巴乔娃 Irina Gorbacheva 饰)和市长冲突不断,而懒…
- Stina a single mother has fallen on hard times. When she has hit rock bottom she is offered a job on a reality horror show, with the promise of a million dollars to the winner. The group of contestants are taken to the deep woods where they must fight to be the last manwoman not caught by the slasher. Unbeknownst to th…
- 公元10世纪末期,世界各地出现了只做战争掠夺的最强民族·维京人。被讴歌为最强战士的儿子·托尔芬,自小便生活在战场上,并向往着梦幻大陆“文兰(VINLAND)”—— 这是一个发生在激荡时代的,真正的战士物语。