搜索 Pooja

  • 电影剧情
  • 电影
  • 电影
    Lookalike twin brothers living in two different parts of the world get trapped in sticky situations when they unknowingly replace each other.
  • 电影历史
    Gandhi and Pandi decided to get a passport and travel to London to get rid of debts in their village. Things didn't happened has they planned
  • 电影
    A youth in need for money to get his eye-sight back on track uses the keen observation skills his limited vision provides as consolation to his advantage as he blackmails his way past two suspects in the murder of a girl in his neighborhood. The story unravels to show if his purpose gets served and if the murderer is f…
  • 电影
    Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought together in an unwanted situation that has a serious negative effect on their well-settled happily progressing life. It revolves around an incident of three ordinary people w…
  • 电影动作
    老实可爱、专心工作的班尼(Anand Tiwari 饰)和整日花天酒地、享受生活的两名损友哈迪克(Kunal Khemu 饰)、拉弗(Vir Das 饰)生活在一起。某天,洗心革面的拉弗被女友三振出局,浪荡不羁的哈迪克也遭老板扫地出门。适逢班尼即将前往度假胜地果阿公干,三个好朋友一拍即合,驱车同行。在当地拉弗遇见了Facebook的朋友露娜(Puja …
  • Eerie things start happening after a disloyal wife kills her handicapped husband with the help of her lover.
  • 取材自真人實事。印度偏遠村落的一對老夫婦,為獲取政府的賠償金養活一家,迫得要決定把自己還是老伴送給老虎飽餐。那天晚上,夫婦倆在漆黑一片的樹林深處等待老虎出現,能夠照亮他們的只有多年相伴的美好回憶。