- 香港亚洲电视台制作的160集长剧《新包青天》,共25个单元。该剧邀请正牌包大人金超群、公孙策范鸿轩与演出,二人合作无数,充满默契。戏中另一重要角色南侠展昭由影坛霸主吕良伟饰演,案情悬疑紧凑,耐人寻味,每集更邀明星加盟助阵。 单元列表: 1. 英雄本色 2. 杀母状元 3 . 再世情仇 4. 铡艳娘 5. 审白毛 6. 铁丘坟…
- When six-year-old Sophie is tragically orphaned guardianship is assigned to her estranged aunt Annabelle. The two move into a large, eerie, Victorian house where Sophie unearths a locked wooden box with a strange symbol drawn on it. Desperate to connect with her niece Annabelle pries the lock open revealing a beautiful…
- 《生活闪亮时》是抖音以2021年热点人物为拍摄对象的小型人物纪录片。通过对10位热点人物的真实生活进行沉浸式拍摄与访谈,与他们聊过去,谈现在,想未来。带领观众近距离去观察和了解热点人物的多面生活,同时探讨抖音及热点对于个体,乃至时代的意义。
- Cowhand Clay Conning rescues a theatrical troupe in the town of Red Rock by using the lead singer\\\/dancer, Blondie, to threaten to compromise the hotel owner, Abner Jenkins. Clay pays their hotel bill but Martha Jenkins whose husband also owns the opera house objects to the showing going on. Clay, who has fallen in l…