- Three female spies from O.M.E.G.A ( Operational Multi Espionage Girl Army) .Skilled in martial arts and every kind of warfare, all 3 girls know how to take out bad guy after bad guy with bullets,bombs and the craziest,wackiest gadgets . But will they be in time to stop The Contessa achieving her despicable plans? Starr…
- 两个十几岁的女孩Janie Hell Water和Victoria Lively(Chloe Klitus \\\/ Preslee Tucker)发现自己被一个古老的印度仪式所困在了来世。当他们的杀手回归(Brandon Itz)以解除新居民Jacklyn Farb(Skye Todaro)时,这两个十几岁的幽灵必须保护她免受他们神秘的死亡,并回到他们等待他们的K9伴侣(Ranger Welling)。一个更和…
- In the year 2024, homosexuality has been outlawed by an extreme right-wing government. Only one extraordinary man can stop this wave of terror and repression, a superhero for our troubled times.
- 1990年,韩国总统卢泰愚发起“与犯罪的战争”,在釜山警方的严打中,黑帮幕后人物崔翼贤(崔岷植 饰)因拘禁企业家落网,由此揭开了他游走于黑白两道的传奇故事……1982年,时任监督科公务员的崔翼贤在肥的流油的海关如鱼得水,但上司在遭到举报之际将崔翼贤推出背黑锅。前途晦暗的崔翼贤孤注一掷做起对日的毒品生意,得以结识了同族的黑帮大哥…
- 自9·11事件以来,美国政府和老对手奥萨马·本·拉登展开了旷日持久的追逐战。历经两届小布什政府,本·拉登依然逍遥法外,有如幽灵一般神秘出没于中东的崇山峻岭和沙漠荒原之中。随着奥巴马政府上台,针对塔利班基地组织的新一轮歼击战旋即展开。CIA追逐前基地组织的联络员“信使”,一步步逼近狡猾警觉的本·拉登。与此同时,骡子、万人迷、樱…