- 表面看来,大岛志乃(南沙良 饰)是一个非常可爱的普通女生,但是一开口,严重的口吃就会暴露出她的缺陷。因为口吃的毛病,志乃从小到大经常受到同学的欺负,常年生活在嘲笑和歧视之中,甚至就连老师有时候也会在无意之中伤害到她脆弱的心灵。 一次偶然中,志乃结识了名叫加代(莳田彩珠 饰)的女生,加代是一个非常热爱唱歌的孩子,虽然五音…
- 明威和文薏定居在日本,育有一子小安。明威天性大男人主义,文薏因长久呆在日本,也养成小女人的个性,凡事听从明威,在家作个贤妻良母。一日,明威因工作长久得不到日本公司的重视,决定带文薏一家人回新加坡定居。
- Documentary celebrating the 10th anniversary of Lady Gaga’s meteoric rise from struggling artist to pop icon. The film uses archive footage, interviews, live performances and music to tell the inspiring story of one of pop’s biggest stars;…
- Colin Kaepernick, Serena Williams, Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka have all been lauded and vilified for their expression of activism within sports. This documentary tells the story of the original sports activist. The first Black man to win Wimbledon, The US Open and the Australian Open, Ashe dissects his incredible pers…