- Out of the fifties 'B' Science-Fiction monster movies, this easily ranks as the best. It's most notable as the film that ALIEN is an unaccredited remake of, thus giving it a certain historical significance. The intriguing plot is about the rescue of the only marooned survivor (Col. Carruthers) of an ill-fa…
- The Clowns are back and this time its serious. While parked outside of Booties Bar and Grill in a stolen RV, our loveable Clowns witness the owner of Booties, Dick Dickerson as he sexually assaults one of his employees in his car. After Dick decides to push his side chick out of the car door and speed off, the Clowns a…
- 全世界被产业革命的波澜推动,自近世变迁至近代之时,不死的怪物突然出现。被钢铁的皮膜包覆,只要心脏不被破坏就不会消灭,被它啃咬的人似乎也会在死过一次之后复生,并开始袭击人类。之后被称为卡巴内的这些怪物爆发性地增殖,并覆盖了全世界。 在远东岛国日本,与卡巴内的威胁对抗,并在穿越前线、被厚重装甲覆盖的蒸汽机车(通称骏城)之…
- 数十年前的经典角色系列“宇宙巨人”现推出创新动作动画剧集《宇宙巨人:启示录》,以继续讲述伊特尼亚星之战的故事。在本剧中,战斗将愈发白热化。在太空超人和骷髅王展开殊死对决后,伊特尼亚星分崩离析,辉克堡的守护者也失散各地。数十年的秘密令他们分离,只能靠蒂拉让这支四散的英雄队伍重新团聚,并争分夺秒揭开失踪的神剑之谜,以重建伊…