搜索 Marchal

  • 电影
  • 东罗马拜占庭帝国的朱斯蒂年大帝微服出巡,为的是想探知民意。美丽贫家女狄奥多娜的父亲是马廊的看守人,皇帝在当地一家酒肆看见狄奥多娜的表演,不禁大为倾倒,赠以金环。狄奥多娜对皇帝若即若离,在他的脑海里留下难忘的印象。几经波折之后,狄奥多娜与朱斯蒂年再次相遇,皇帝见到艳妆浓抹的狄奥更为心动,欲纳她为情妇,但被狄奥所拒。结果皇…
  • Built on a divorce, Helen knows a great love with the young Alain for ten years. A wave of Alain cousin, Michelle, to which he is forced to take an interest soon take place in his heart of Helen, but the girl would not want to break the home. As for the woman, more and more jealous, she gets ACCIDENTER and is transport…