- 麦克被恶魔追杀,幸为好友瑞吉所救,但恶魔绝不就此罢Ⅲ休。麦克终究不幸落入恶魔手中。瑞吉决心前往恶魔穴救回麦克,在途中遇到同样遭到恶魔迫害的汤姆与洛姬,并协同前去消灭恶魔并拯救麦克。经过千辛万苦,三人终于来到恶魔穴,但恶魔竟也设下恐怖的陷阱。准备将三人一网打尽,双方立即展开紧张惊险的搏斗,但恶魔将使出?
- Keith Neville and Dan Casey, two small-time stage actors, are traveling by bus back two New York City, and have an overnight stay in a small town. They take a room in a local hotel and a murder is committed in an adjoining room to Keith. The latter hears the gunfire, goes to investigate and is there when the local poli…
- ELO全名Electric Light Orchestra,是英国上世纪70年代的前卫摇滚乐队,于今年入选摇滚名人堂。主唱兼吉他手Jeff Lynne是一位出色的词曲人及制作人,曾为George Harrison,Roy Orbison,Tom Petty,Ringo Starr等人制作专辑,是天团Travelling Wilburys的一员,还担任披头士90年代的两首歌曲Free As A Bird和Real…