搜索 Kaye

  • 电影
    A fairy tale romance takes an unexpected turn when Mark discovers his beautiful bride-to-be, Connie, has actually been plotting against him.
  • 电影
    based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha b…
  • 电影喜剧
    蒂莫西·柴勒梅德将加盟新片[兰开斯特之王],出演男主角年轻的亨利五世。亨利五世为英格兰兰开斯特王朝国王,在他短暂的九年统治期间,他取得了中世纪任何一位英格兰国王都未取得过的军事辉煌。本片由布拉德·皮特公司Plan B制作,大卫·米奇欧德执导,米奇欧德也将与乔尔·埃哲顿担任编剧,计划6月开机。
  • 电影游戏
    A game show in which all is not as it seems.
  • 电影剧情
    荣兆荣(任达华 饰)在黑道驰骋几十年,最终还是难逃恢恢法网入狱服刑。一晃眼十年过去,重获自由的荣兆荣发现自己积累了一辈子的家财被妻子挥霍的一干二净,不仅如此,妻子也音信全无。之后,荣兆荣结识了名为若晴(叶童 饰)的女孩,若晴因为投资生意失败而欠下了巨额的高利贷,两个走投无路之人产生了惺惺相惜的感情,认识没多久就携手步入了…
  • 电影
    A mentally disturbed aspiring actor returns to New York City, as he hides his violent urges, he discovers the world of social media and faces the horrifying power of the internet.
  • 电影
    來自路瑞德生前御用吉他製琴師Rick Kelly。紀錄格林威治村一家時間彷彿仍停留在六十年代的手工吉他客製坊,名為「卡爾邁街吉他」與它的創辦人瑞克凱利。   手作的溫度,巴布狄倫、佩蒂史密斯、威爾可、雙殺等樂團吉他手爭相收藏。   吉姆賈木許、艾絲特白莉特等跨足樂團之影人現身暢談吉他經。   以上介绍来自网络
  • 电影剧情
    拍卖会上,文森特·凡高(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)的名作《向日葵》的标价逐渐增高,最后固定在一个天文数字上。在世人热烈追捧凡高的艺术时,有谁会想到提奥(保罗·里斯 Paul Rhys 饰)这样一个名字呢?本片讲述了凡高与他的弟弟提奥之间的故事。凡高一生为贫穷所困,画入心魔的他为了坚持自己的艺术,不得不靠着弟弟提奥的救济。在凡高看来,…
  • 电影剧情
    蒂莫西·柴勒梅德将加盟新片[兰开斯特之王](The King,暂译),出演男主角年轻的亨利五世。亨利五世为英格兰兰开斯特王朝国王,在他短暂的九年统治期间,他取得了中世纪任何一位英格兰国王都未取得过的军事辉煌。本片由布拉德·皮特公司Plan B制作,大卫·米奇欧德([动物王国])执导,米奇欧德也将与乔尔·埃哲顿担任编剧,计划6月开机。
  • 电影剧情
    School's out...But Bobby's education has just begun. Bobby has had trouble with French at school and so his rich parents hire a winsome 30-year-old tutor to help him with the first subject. The father is not exactly subtle about his interest in the tutor, but the woman prefers his much more sensitive son.