搜索 Jesper

  • 五十岁怎么了
    18岁的科里奥兰纳斯·斯诺(汤姆·布莱斯 饰)被选为第十届饥饿游戏的导师,与来自第十二区的贫困女孩露西·格雷·贝尔德(瑞秋·齐格勒 饰)成为了“生死相依”的命运共同体。竞技场上,这是一场关乎自由、食物,甚至是尊重与权利的生死角逐;竞技场外,不忍与善意使斯诺决定不顾一切帮助露西在这场游戏中赢得胜利......当活下去的欲望与所遵守…
  • 电影剧情
    On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, planning and failed attempts, they were finally on their way to report on how the ruthless hunt for oil effected the populati…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 电影
    When everything comes crashing down, two destructive siblings are trying to maintain a balanced psyche.
  • 电影
    Anna left her favourite doll, Sophie, at her family's holiday home, and Anna's parents won't drive all the way to the house to retrieve the doll. Just as Anna is wondering if Sophie feels lonely, she suddenly hears a strange sound.
  • 电影剧情
    希伯伦国王突然驾崩,国家宣布戒严,所有城门已全被封锁,任何人也不能进出。  年少无知,入世未深的海尔王子继承皇位,决定要为亡父报仇,他伪装成奴隶,带着父亲的宝剑,离开守卫森严的皇宫,只身勇闯敌国沙里夫,其时海尔的妹妹已洞悉叛徒的阴谋,也察觉到他已堕入敌人的圈套。正当海尔的经历日渐增加,对敌国的仇恨亦日益加深,但这位骁勇…
  • 电视剧冒险
    作品改编自莎莉·葛琳(Sally Green)的同名小说。  16岁的内森的母亲是白女巫,父亲却是黑巫师,他自小被严格监管因为他必须抵御来自他父亲血统的破坏欲望,然而他必须在17岁之前做出自己的决定,否则他面临的将会是死亡……
  • 见到死去的女儿后,一个孤独而伤心欲绝的女人陷入疯狂,因为对可怕事件的压抑记忆挑战着现实与潜意识之间的界限。
  • Two girls, Chloë and Celeste, takes its audience on a surreal journey towards humanity's decay. A haunting portrait of our own extinction.
  • Alexander leaves his hometown companied by his long time friends. Together they find their way north on an unexpected route, where Alexander is forced closer to a truth he has since long repressed.