- A bevy of top fighters all fighting to rule the martial world and use the rarest styles ever put on screen. Master Ko, is in possession of a very special sword. A sword that can cut through anything and becomes invisible, it, therefore can easily trick and defeat the enemy. Many people are after this sword. One day, th…
- 1942 年,印度争取自由的斗争中,一位勇敢的年轻女孩创办了一家地下广播电台,传播团结的信息,在退出印度运动中与英国当局展开了一场惊心动魄的追逐。
- 在大学附近开店,秉性诚实善良的40多岁的中年申久,由于店里生意繁忙也顾不上成家的他,生活中似乎也就剩下“赚钱”那点儿乐趣。俊承因为父亲的突然离世开始和儿时就离开自己的母亲胜子一起生活。虽然开口叫声“妈妈”还有些不自在,但俊承内心里很想赚钱尽做儿子的本分。偶然的机会下,俊承开始在申久的店里帮忙,渐渐被像哥哥一样慈祥善良的申…
- 汉城的红灯区,一位17岁的少女被人诓骗至此,她化名潘舞娌(申恩庆 饰),操起了皮肉生意。舞娌很快从电视新闻跟街谈巷议中发现逃跑不可行,只得为偿还高利贷拼命工作,同时也见识着这风月场所的黑暗与混乱,某天,一名进城寻找工作的青年闯入了她的生活,但青年很快消失在人海中。不久总统遇刺,红灯区大受打击,舞娌离开汉城寻找出路,她不断…
- The drug detective chief is kidnapped by his teammates in front of his lover, Marie. Marie pulls back the drugs she seized from the police to find the chief and approaches the organization. Moving along the path of the drug, Marie hides in a mansion where she meets a hostess, Chunchin. In the room of Sakun Chan, Mari f…