搜索 Jeon

  • 电影
    Hyeon-shik, an underground rock singer whose songs touch the hearts of his fans due to their lonely lyrics, falls in love with a photo journalist. However, she breaks up with him just before their wedding and sends him down a road of drugs and alcohol abuse from which he may not recover
  • Yeong-mi swears that she will revenge herself against Ku Yeon-su after he ruins her family. First she gains his trust and eventually moves in with him. Then she sets her plans of his destruction in motion.
  • 电影
    Parentless, the oldest of five takes a job in a mill to support his younger siblings. He works hard but is stingy with the money he earns as he hopes to save it for his brothers and sister. However, his girlfriend is not so accepting of this situation
  • Lee Jung-won leads a failed couop in 1884 and then flees for his life to Japan. He returns to Korea years later after conspiring with the Japanese government to kill the queen of Korea and pave the way for Japanese occupation which would last until the end of World War II.
  • 电影
    Agents from China try to disrupt the Hong Kong economy by flooding the market with counterfeit US dollars. South Korean underworld leaders and Norht Korean agents also want the plates to the phoney money. A South Korean double agent is working for one of these groups and plans to reveal all to the world
  • Hwang-cheol misunderstands that his enemies are the Japanese colonial police after his gold is stolen, but he eventually realizes that his wealth has been taken by gangsters from Shanghai.
  • 电影
    Dong-cheol, a nightclub opwner, is threatened by a gangster who lusts after his wife. Dong-cheol accidently kills one of the gangster's henchmen in a fight and is sent to prison. This leaves his family vulnerable to the gangster's threats.
  • 电影
    韓國女導演鄭佳映繼《Bitch On the Beach》後再度自導自演,引用和朋友之間的親身經歷,以男女不同的思考模式與心理攻防為主調,加入《春逝》的想像橋段,談談情、說說性,用輕鬆黑色幽默的手法探討男女之間的大不同。劇情圍繞導演所建構的愛情世界,女主角以田野調查之名,向男主角借醉行兇。大量的長對白玩味有驚喜,素人演出也絕非隨意即興,…
  • 电影爱情
    明宇(张赫)是一名性格温文尔雅、正直善良的中学老师,某日,当他见义勇为协助别人追捕小偷时,被正值休班的,性格刁蛮刚烈、嫉恶如仇的女警童珍(全智贤)误当是贼抓获,遂即,童珍对他实施大刑逼供,最后被证实无辜时,明宇已被童珍打得体无完肤。  伤势初愈后,明宇被学校派到红灯区辅导问题学生,警方也安排了人员保护他的安全,但令明宇…