- Some six months after they first crossed verbal swords at a Washington D.C. dog show, schoolteacher Elizabeth Scott and businessman\\\/philanthropist Donovan Darcy are blissfully in love and newly engaged. With Donovan in agreement, she looks forward to planning a small autumn wedding with the help of her mother and si…
- Australia, June 1727, a ship from the Dutch East India Company wrecked on the hostile coast. Pieter and Hendrick are friends like brothers - they grew up together, sailed together, survived together. But when Hendrick discovers the true nature of Pieter's heart, the two men are taken in a storm where friendship and fai…
- 杰西•詹姆斯(Brad Pitt 布莱德•彼特 饰),南北战争时期最著名的强盗,他与兄长组建的詹姆斯帮伙同其喽罗犯下无数宗抢劫案,即使防卫再出色的银行也难逃他们的魔掌。杰西凭借其出神入化的枪法和经历成为平民百姓心中的传奇人物。 人过中年杰西逐渐厌倦颠沛流离和与政府捉迷藏的生活,手下的喽罗或死或伤,兄长也因杰西的坏脾气选择离开。…