搜索 Gray

  • After burning out in the city, Will Shipe is summoned back home where he uncovers dark truths about his family and the town he grew up in.
  • 精锐军事人员凯特琳·罗斯在罹患PTSD后退役。 他们与前团队成员和密友布拉德·约翰逊一起,选择了“轻松生活”,现在领导一家小型安全公司。 公司由年轻,麻烦缠身的百万富翁理查德·肯宁雇用,以清理和保护他最近继承的土地和财产。 围绕土地和建筑物的谣言和故事都被驳回,直到人们开始消失,团队最终无处可逃。 很快就可以看出他们正在被猎杀…
  • 该片主要聚焦布兰妮与父亲的关系,她希望自由的努力:2008年开始,布兰妮的父亲杰米·斯皮尔斯取得了对她的监管权,即她从财务到各个方面都在父亲的控制之下。去年11月,布兰妮要求取消父亲对自己监管的官司失败,她的律师对法官表示:“我的客户告知我:她害怕她的父亲,如果他保有监管权,她不会再次登上舞台表演。”
  • 被乐队和家人扫地出门后,玩世不恭的吉他手投靠一名会计及其儿子和父亲。他们能否共谱甜蜜乐章?
  • 麦迪逊·泰勒是一名犯罪心理疗师,她在与监狱里的重刑犯交谈过程中鉴定对方是否能减刑甚至释放。某个悲惨的夜晚,丈夫杰里米被入室匪徒杀死,麦迪逊的世界开始发生了翻天覆地的变化。。。
  • 讲述一个杀手、杀手的老板和一个艺术商人的故事:一场洗钱阴谋意外地让这个名叫Reggie的杀手一夜成名,成为艺术界的当红先锋人物"The Bagman",为此他不得不让艺术世界与地下犯罪世界对上了。
  • 两名科学工作者带着他们的猩猩到非洲研究非洲猩猩时,目睹了偷猎者偷猎猩猩的残忍过程,他们拿起枪与偷猎者以死相拼,但终因寡不敌众,落入偷猎者的手中。后被从家里带到非洲的猩猩救出……猩猩无论从各方面都是很接近人类的动物。这部影片充分表现了猩猩的聪明才智,让猩猩担当了主要角色,发挥了猩猩的模仿能力。通过影片将增加人们对猩猩的热…
  • ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tracy Leininger Craven and depicts a family at a critical juncture in America's history.Fleeing religious persecution in Germany, the Leininger family seeks a new start in uncharted country - America. It is the mid-17…
  • A Korean American family during the holidays. A play on words Happy Hollow (empty) days as opposed to feeling fulfillment (Full of love, success, joy, achievement) as explored through the relationships of the family and the three sisters. The youngest sister Melanie, and her boyfriend Layne are in a codependent relatio…
  • Fantasy and reality ultimately collide for a man haunted by his younger sister's death. Although Jack Penniman's sister Lucy died in a boating mishap more than a decade ago, the event continues to consume him as an adult. While helping New York City police search for another little girl, Jack soon begins to see a young…