- One day the boss of the universe (Christopher Lee) calls Joy (Selma Brook), one of his young helpers, to take on a job in Notting Hill, London. It is Joy's second mission and not an easy one. But she is determined to succeed. She has failed on her first job, this mission is her probation, her biggest challenge. But she…
- When Shawn Wyatt (Jonathan Andre) inheirits a 1966 Mustang from his uncle, things go crazy when he finds a crazy amount of diamonds stashed in the engine. He and his close friend Rob (Le"Dre Turner) end up on a wild ride after a local hustler spills info about the diamonds to the local hoods. Unknowing that the or…
- Live telecast of the funeral of Australian film and television legend Graham Kennedy, held at the Mittagong Playhouse, Mittagong, NSW on May 31 2005. Transmitted by the Nine Network and Seven Network, Australia.
- 本片纪录下了爱尔兰现代建筑大师艾琳·格雷的创作与人生。这位20世纪最具有开拓性的设计者,用她独特的视野和创造性彻底改变了我们家装和建筑。她所属的那个年代,在室内装饰和家具设计领域,没有几个女人能与她相提并论。纪录片通过对多位研究格雷的学者、拍卖行、收藏家、艺术策展人等的访谈,用影像还原了这位神秘低调的建筑师,呈现了她对欧…
- The story of the building and dedication of the Richard D. Winters Leadership monument in Normandy, France in June of 2012. The film focuses on the leader of World War II's "Band of Brothers".Narrated by 2012 Emmy Award-winner Damian Lewis, who played Dick Winters in HBO's Band of Brothers.
- The beautiful and sophisticated Hedda Gabler has found a comfortable but mundane arrangement with her life - a successful, compliant husband, a large house, and an affiliation with the upper crust of society - when suddenly, after years of absence, a wild and tempestuous ex-lover reappears on her doorstep, threatening …
- A teenage thief tries to leave town to escape the violence that threatens him and he people he loves.