- 卢克(斯科特·伊斯特伍德 Scott Eastwood 饰)是一名职业牛仔,他年轻气盛,身强体壮,充满了阳刚之朝气,周身散发着迷人的男性荷尔蒙气味。某日,卢克在一场牛仔竞技比赛中邂逅了名为苏菲亚(布丽特妮·罗伯森 Brittany Robertson 饰)的女孩,俊男美女之间,霎时间便燃起了熊熊的爱情的火焰。 然而,他们一个是奔放粗犷的牛仔,一个是细腻…
- 英国C4电视喜剧节目改编的电影,Ali G Indahouse: The Movie is a 2002 movie directed by Mark Mylod starring the fictional character Ali G, performed by the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. The film is the first in a sort of trilogy of films based…
- Artificial beaches are being built somewhere in the Caribbean. A young model expects some friends by the pool, a gardener and a maid fancy about buying expensive furniture, a group of street-sweepers philosophize about love and some amateur golfers try to enter the ball in the hole, while tourists, between noise and ma…
- Following the projects of modernization of Brazil in the 70s, a busy road in the nearly-desert area of Brazil is detoured to a brand new highway, and a known roadside brothel called “Beiço de Estrada” (“Lower Lip of the Road”) faces its decadence. The owner of the brothel, Madame Lili (Darlene Glória) is abandoned by h…