- A year ago, a woman fell in love with a man from beyond the stars. And from their love, a child was born. Destined to one day unite both our world and that of his father's, this newborn baby is now the target of an alien huntress. Her mission - erase the first born from existence, no matter the cost. Can the child of t…
- A sequel to Abduction (2017). The galactic empire is under increased threat from the alien greys. They dispatch Thorson to locate the aliens lost ship on earth. But the Hive Queen has returned and is hell bent on inseminating humans to create a hybrid race of alien\\\/humans. A group of ex-abductees are also hunting fo…
- A collection of Ryan's work including short films, music videos, trailers\\\/clips from both released feature films and uncompleted features, concept trailers, behind-the-scenes footage,...