- A series of vignettes explore the seven deadly sins. In 'Lust', a blind woman hires a sex worker in the hopes of over coming her lack of sexual experience. In 'Wrath', a healer brings a stabbed convict back from the dead. In 'Greed', two off duty police officers, looking for a place to make out, get held at gun point b…
- En sortant de l'école est une collection de 13 courts métrages d'animation de 3 minutes qui se propose d'associer poétiquement, dans la liberté artistique la plus exigeante, 13 poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire à l'univers graphique de jeun…
- An in-depth re-examination on the origin of the Wells Fargo Bank, plus its correlation to the last California ghost town Bodie; where it uncovers a fascinating new discovery that had never been documented in history of the Wild Wild West.
- This full feature film is about all different types of abuse. This powerful film will show everyone the awareness while bringing a solution. The film is based around 4 main couples who go through turmoil in there life while they end up in a group counseling session they speak upon there lives in a flashback. The film w…
- Frank & Ava joins the wild ride of the tempestuous relationship between icons, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner showing their multi-year love affair and subsequent marriage. In 1949, a downcast Frank, his career on the wane because of a faltering voice, a failing marriage, and a tarnished off screen reputation falls in lo…
- An Honest and hilarious look at the music industry through the eyes of an all girl rock band.
- Three survivors are stalked by someone connected to their past. This time they're ready for a fight.