搜索 奥索利亚·茱莉娅·帕普

  • 电影剧情
    八岁男孩布鲁诺(Asa Butterfield 饰)一家随着纳粹军官父亲的一纸调令,由柏林搬迁到了乡下。失去了朋友们的布鲁诺很快对新家附近的“农庄”产生了兴趣,那里有一群身穿“条纹睡衣”的人终日忙碌,并且其中一个为布鲁诺一家服务,他形容肮脏,态度慎微。周遭环境和布鲁诺的举止让母亲暗暗担忧,但纳粹父亲制止家中任何怀疑既定政策的行为。  …
  • A series of vignettes explore the seven deadly sins. In 'Lust', a blind woman hires a sex worker in the hopes of over coming her lack of sexual experience. In 'Wrath', a healer brings a stabbed convict back from the dead. In 'Greed', two off duty police officers, looking for a place to make out, get held at gun point b…