- Ulysses Klaue and Eric Killmonger are back to loot Wakanda's Vibrainium mines, this time with the help of the mad titan Thanos. Can Black Panther thwart their evil plot, even with the aid of Earth's Mightiest Heroes?
- A few years from now in a post apocalyptic Sweden. Elins dream is to leave for a better place than the local club \\\"INC\\\" where she works as a stripper. Then she meets Erland who promise to help her. But empty words makes no change for Elin and when a storm brings the man in black to town, Elin must escape with Erl…
- 描述非洲某国娃娃兵的残酷人生。他们拿起卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪如同职业军人,年纪轻轻就杀人如麻,还强奸妇女。本片叙述年仅15岁的叛军首领“疯狗强尼”当娃娃兵的历程,和13岁少女拉奥科蕾逃离残酷战乱的故事。《疯狗强尼》曾获戛纳电影节“一种关注”单元最具希望奖。12岁以下不宜。