- Andy made a deal with a demon. He manages a small but ambitious Italian eatery called Scoppa. The demon's black magic lures patrons to the restaurant; in return, Andy feeds guests to the demon, who dwells in the basement. It was all going smoothly, business was booming, reviews were glowing... Until the busboy found ou…
- 越战时期,美国位于华盛顿特区的石花园,葬着为数众多在越战上殉职的美国军人。《教父》《战栗游戏》詹姆斯肯恩饰演哈塞德军官,深信越战是一场打不赢的战事,相反的,士兵威洛一生最大的职志就是代表国家上战场,好好打一场胜战荣返家园。哈塞德没办法劝阻威洛把自己送到最前线,他唯一能为这个朋友做的,就是──拖延,同时鼓励他好好找回他和…