- 幕府时代,公仪介错人(为剖腹者斩首的刽子手)拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)执行上层命令,为年幼的地方领主斩首。归来后梦见妻女被人所杀,心生不祥预感。柳生手下拜访拜一刀,看见堂中为断头者摆放的灵位,遂以谋反罪名密告柳生家族。 得悉阴谋的拜一刀手斩来使,带着独子大五郎(富川晶宏 饰)杀出重围。从此浪迹江湖,以赏金杀手为生,人称“…
- A woman whose father is a public servant travelled and moved often as a child and hence was raised in Kagoshima, Okinawa and even Taiwan. Following her high school graduation she married a man from a rich family, but the man neither liked his father nor accepts money from him. Instead he works as a teacher. She had gro…