- Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a violent end, by way of her knife. Driven by the same force to make the opposite sex suffer, the killers’ fates intertwine.…
- A woman whose father is a public servant travelled and moved often as a child and hence was raised in Kagoshima, Okinawa and even Taiwan. Following her high school graduation she married a man from a rich family, but the man neither liked his father nor accepts money from him. Instead he works as a teacher. She had gro…
- 元刑事のタクシードライバー、夜明(渡瀬恒彦)はある日、経営コンサルタントの美也子(田中美奈子)を乗せた。数日前、ある男性客から彼女の尾行を頼まれただけに彼女の乗車に驚く。夜明は彼女の希望通り越後湯沢に向かい、四日間の貸し切りを引き受けた。ところが翌日、刑事の東山(風見しんご)が現れ、美也子が東京で起こった殺人事件の容疑…
- 元刑事のタクシー運転手・夜明(渡瀬恒彦)は、中原茜と名乗る女(高橋恵子)を乗せた。女は「人を殺してきました」と言い、抱いてと夜明に迫った。自殺でもしかねない様子だったため、夜明は女と同宿する。翌朝、女は指輪を残し姿を消した。間もなく、その指輪とペアの指輪をした男の片腕が発見された。被害者は多門(下元史朗)というリゾート…
- Overwhelmed with his Kingly duties, Norm struggles to make time for both his kingdom and his family. When his crown is mysteriously stolen, he must embark on a journey to not only find the crown, but to also repair his relationship with his family.
- The film revolves around the Yamaguchi family home. The wife Chieko is only concerned with a comfortable and luxurious life. The most important things in her life are diamonds and common sense. The husband Eiji sacrifices everything including friendship to provide for his family. The elder daughter Yuri is focused on h…