- 第9届北京国际电影节中印电影战略合作发布会上,最新中印合拍电影[地球上的星星]、[阿辛哥的奇妙之旅]、[珠宝大盗]海报曝光。该版[地球上的星星]是阿米尔·汗经典名作[地球上的星星]中国版,该片由[让子弹飞]导演助理、副导演马多担任导演,也是阿米尔·汗第一次与中国电影人合作。动作电影[珠宝大盗]由韩三平监制、孔雀山影业联合出品。[阿辛…
- On Christmas eve the royals head for Sandringham , taken out of moth-balls for the occasion and Camilla is not happy when Kate declares that she wants to cook the dinner for the family, despite scary Princess Anne's austerity measures. Nor is Charles pleased to learn that a referendum prefers William as king, rather th…