- 别名:菲恩·沃弗哈德,芬仔
- 英文名:Finn Wolfhard
- 性别:男
- 职业:演员
- 国籍:加拿大
- 身高:178cm
- 星座:摩羯座
- 出生日期:2002-12-23
- 出生地区:加拿大温哥华
- 经纪公司:Creative Artists Agency(CAA)
- 介绍:"Finn Wolfhard was born in Vancouver, Canada, where he's a student in the 8th grade. Finn has always had a laser focus on continuously growing as an actor, all the way back from the time that he saw his first movie (thank you Sam Raimi's Spider-Man!).\r\n\r\nFollowing that pivotal life event, Finn went to work and has since gathered prime time network TV guest roles (The 100, Supernatural), independent film (Aftermath, The Resurrection), and Shakespeare (Bard on the Beach), credits. Outside of acting, Finn loves shredding the bass and guitar. During the moments Finn is not on set, in school, memorizing lines or jamming with friends, he spends his time hanging out with with his awesome family and pets."