- 别名:Obba Babatundé
- 性别:男
- 职业:演员,配音,导演,制片人
- 国籍:美国
- 身高:174cm
- 星座:射手座
- 出生日期:1951-12-01
- 出生地区:美国,纽约,牙买加
- 介绍:Obba Babatundé is an actor, singer, dancer, director, writer and producer. Obba's breadth of work is known worldwide by audiences of all ages, and his face is one of the most recognizable in the entertainment industry. His career spans over 4 decades and he is a unique breed in today's industry as a triple-threat (and more). Obba is comfortable in the expression of various musical instruments and all forms of dance. In addition to his a…