简介:Yùl, 13, goes with his big brother Dino to make a deal with Mike, a thug escorted by his Dogo Argentino. When things go wrong, a mysterious snake appears.少年們剛幹完一票,忽然一條奇特綠蛇出現,讓一切急轉直下。暴走失控的老大、火上加油的老哥、無處可逃的少年。蛇啊,又該如何拯救少年呢?
简介:Yùl, 13, goes with his big brother Dino to make a deal with Mike, a thug escorted by his Dogo Argentino. When things go wrong, a mysterious snake appears.少年們剛幹完一票,忽然一條奇特綠蛇出現,讓一切急轉直下。暴走失控的老大、火上加油的老哥、無處可逃的少年。蛇啊,又該如何拯救少年呢?