搜索 Zeta

  • 动漫冒险
    经验值一级的牛头人哀木涕(奶茶 配音)怀抱着勇斗一百级恶龙的英雄梦,却时时遭受被抓去“炖土豆”的威胁。他和同样初级的小伙伴傻馒(YOYO 配音)、劣人(CBI 配音)意外获得了一本名叫《山口山战记》的宝书,拯救世界的重任落在了他的肩上,斗恶龙从梦想变成了现实。虽然跌跌撞撞,哀木涕和小伙伴们还是勇敢踏上了成长之路。
  • 电影
    Pixi Post is an elf girl who lives in Arbolié, a secret place hidden in Antarctic where they live all spirits of the Christmas around the world like Santa Claus (from Finland), Three Wise Men (from Near East), Olentzero (from Euskadi\\\/Ba…
  • 动漫动画
  • 电影喜剧
  • This is a documentary about two tragic people slowly and steadily losing their minds. They however managed to keep it a bit funny.
  • Deon witness a strange incident when a friend he beats suddenly bites the nurse's neck and becomes a cannibal. After that, the attacks from the zombies happen quickly at school and on the streets, so Deon picks up his mother, Isma, in Teratai Asri apartment. Deon and his mother are trapped inside the apartment while ot…
  • A young girl is cured of her epilepsy just as summer vacation is about to begin. During her last days with her classmates, she’ll come to experience life in a new way. Arranged as a series of elliptical tableaux, this haunting narrative fr…
  • 《我叫MT》是一部由七彩映画工作室出品的原创3D网络动画,被众多网友冠之以“国产动画新光芒”的动画剧集。该动画是以魔兽为核心的人气旺盛的同人网络动画,其原型是暴雪公司著名的网络游戏《魔兽世界》。该片是由一群游戏动漫爱好者共同打造的,其中人物包括“核桃”、“奶茶超人”、“迷路了”等,清馨幽默的风格倍受魔兽玩家的推崇。