- In compliance with her father's dying wish, his daughter, Hyeon-hu, becomes captain of his ship. Suspecting that her father's death was not an accident, she asks the help of Min-ho, her first mate, in order to find the killer
- 善宇(李秉宪 饰)对黑帮老大姜老板忠心耿耿,做事认真妥当的他也深得姜老板的信任与厚爱。姜老板更将自己的餐厅交给了善宇打理。 姜老板出名无情冷酷,谁都不能破坏他定下的规矩。最近他感觉到自己的情人熙秀(申敏儿 饰)可能有了别的男人,姜老板便把心腹善宇安排在了熙秀的身边,当查明熙秀红杏出墙时,善宇便将熙秀处死。 果不其然,…
- 明宇(张赫)是一名性格温文尔雅、正直善良的中学老师,某日,当他见义勇为协助别人追捕小偷时,被正值休班的,性格刁蛮刚烈、嫉恶如仇的女警童珍(全智贤)误当是贼抓获,遂即,童珍对他实施大刑逼供,最后被证实无辜时,明宇已被童珍打得体无完肤。 伤势初愈后,明宇被学校派到红灯区辅导问题学生,警方也安排了人员保护他的安全,但令明宇…
- Very much a Korean version of \\\"Tootsie\\\"....Park Jin-Wu, is a handsome young Korean playboy\\\/womanizer who dreams of becoming a model\\\/actor. However, his role is behind the scenes...working as a computer special FX programmer. Due to a computer glitch, he accidentally gets a print-out of his face and body mor…