- Hyeon-shik, an underground rock singer whose songs touch the hearts of his fans due to their lonely lyrics, falls in love with a photo journalist. However, she breaks up with him just before their wedding and sends him down a road of drugs and alcohol abuse from which he may not recover
- A woman leads a miserable life after her husband leaves her, taking the children with him.
- Kachusa, a high official in the communist regime of North Korea, falls in love with a young man attending Kim Il-sung University. He, however, makes love to a co-ed in his department. Kachusa catches him in the act and has him arrested and tortured for his betrayal.
- 부인 상희,아들 욱과 단란한 가정을 꾸미고 사는 민규에게 고아원에서 친형제처럼 자란 동식이 나타나는데 욱은 원래 동식의 아들로서 욱의 엄마를 찾을 수가 없어서 민규에게 맡겼던 것이다. 욱을 데려 가려고 민규의 집에 온 동식이 상희를 보는 순간 욱이의 친엄마가 상희였음이 밝혀지는데 부득이한 사정으로 욱이를 보살피던 상희가 …