搜索 Woon

  • 电视剧喜剧
    曾经,阿文(普提查·克瑟辛 Put Puttichai 饰)是集万千宠爱于一身的超级巨星,事业进入上升期的他机会多多,前途一片光明。然而,就在这个节骨眼上,一个荒唐的传闻使得阿文的事业瞬间跌落冰点,失意的他决定放弃,渐渐远离了声色犬马的娱乐圈。之后,阿文购置了一处新宅, 想要开始新的生活。  甜甜(Ramita Mahaprukpong 饰)将…
  • 电影爱情
    Tae joon(李相勋)和SEO妍(公园敏京)把自己生活的城市,开始在一个宁静的乡村。Tae joon还学习如何农场,他没有几年的水果丰收。他被强调和责备的土壤。SEO贤建议他们开始分享房子来减轻自己的压力。他们请了一个新的家庭为他们的房子为“分享”,Hwai(Lee Ja eun)。她是一个小说家,她写她与另一个男人的经验。她与Tae joon在过去…
  • Lee Jung-won leads a failed couop in 1884 and then flees for his life to Japan. He returns to Korea years later after conspiring with the Japanese government to kill the queen of Korea and pave the way for Japanese occupation which would last until the end of World War II.
  • 电影
    Jae-seon falls in love with Ki-seok unaware that he is her sister's ex.
  • Jin and Min, experts at fighting, get involved with a gang of smugglers. Min recognizes the nature of their activities and makes a break from the group, eventually establishing an orphanage. Jin, on the other hand, finds himself getting deeply involved with crime until it finally leads to murder.
  • 电影
    When King Danjong proves incompetant in dealing with the affairs of state, a power struggle erupts within his family to see who can dethrone him and sieze control of the kingdom.
  • 电影
    On a journey to witness the final performance of a mythical musician thought long dead, a group of misfits navigate the barren terrain of a dystopian future, while constantly connected to the nihilistic DJ of radio station FNTN \\\/ Fonotune. Influenced by Japanese cinema, graphic design and Manga Comics, Fonotune: An …
  • 电影恐怖
    과거 대부호였던 왕할머니의 대저택에 숨겨진 보석을 훔치기 위해 간병인으로 입주하게 된 보영. 보영을 고용한 왕할머니의 유일한 혈육인 김사모는, ‘아무도 데려오지 말 것, 특히 아이’, ‘저수지 근처에 가지 말 것’이라는 조건을 건다. 하지만 보영은, 금기를 깨고 자신의 딸 ‘다정’을 몰래 데리고 가는데... 사람 죽어 나가는…
  • 电影剧情
    立花雫(新木优子 饰)、铃木赖(吉沢亮 饰)和东条昴(杉野遥亮 饰)是青梅竹马的好友和玩伴,三个小伙伴之间的友谊十分的坚实。驱使他们走到一起的,是三人拥有的共同的梦想,那就是成为万众瞩目的明星。  随着时间的推移,三人渐渐的长大的,不断地努力着接近梦想的立花和东条渐渐收获了他们想要得到的东西,他们一个成为了万丈光芒的模特…
  • 电视剧喜剧
    塔伊加·维迪提将为FX再制作一部喜剧《救赎犬》(Reservation Dogs,暂译),每集半个小时,本剧讲述俄克拉荷马州小镇的四位印第安原住民少年,整天惹事的同时又打击犯罪的故事。试播集将由塔伊加·维迪提和斯特林·哈乔共同执导,他们同时担任编剧,维迪提还将出任监制之一。