- The film tells the story of a young man and his pursuit of true happiness in the modern world. Captured with his own hands, using some of the very devices that epitomize modern day life, he shares his breathtaking journey of self-discovery and shared challenges. His intimate, personal story comes to life on the big scr…
- 故事发生在90年代的小城市。云荞(马思纯饰)想要“活成一部电影”;李麦(钟楚曦饰)有看得见希望的未来;吴风(黄景瑜)也要在平凡的日子里背水一战。每个人都有着对未来的憧憬,带着憧憬开始了异乡漂泊之路,可是未来真的会如他们所愿吗?