- The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s hard for them to agree on even the most trivial of things. Nevertheless, this enforced…
- 二战期间,战争与死亡的阴云笼罩整个欧洲,无一国家幸免。 居住在匈牙利的14岁犹太青年卡维(Marcell Nagy 饰),在乘车探望父亲的路上被纳粹军人拦下,随后被送往集中营。在这个非人的所在,死亡、疾病、虐待、恐惧时刻威胁着他们的生命。听取了好友凯尔泰斯的建议,卡维发誓无论如何也要活着走出这个人间地狱…… 本片根据2002年度…
- A middle-aged underachieving van driver, Jay (Randy Nazarian), is assigned to drive an irascible senior, Harry (Raymond J. Barry), to a new home. Along the way they have a series of misadventures, including being picked up by a troupe of burlesque dancers led by Red (Shondrella Avery) and performing an impromptu comedy…
- 舞蹈员叶秀雯(叶佩雯)在结婚前与准新郎闹翻了,因为撞破他与旧情人仍在交往,他一失变成一得,在追逐旧爱时却觅生命最爱,邻居好友芳方(吴辰君)自资开创芭蕾舞学校,自以为拥有家传秘方方御夫术,定可事业爱情两兼顾,驾驭同居男友齐仁煇,却从不了解男人永远野情难驯。他们在康庄的爱情道上还是不停地左顾右盼,找寻新刺激新事猎物。今回仁辉看…