- 军功卓著的海军副舰长鲁斯特中校(阿克谢·库玛尔饰)在执行为期半年的出海任务,临近尾声时按照司令部的指示提前返回孟买,惊讶地发现他那美丽绝伦的妻子辛西娅(伊莱亚娜·狄克鲁兹饰)竟然与好友维克拉姆(阿然·巴杰瓦饰)有染,怒火中烧的鲁斯特匆匆离家,回到军舰领取了一支手枪,来到维克拉姆家,随着三声枪响,维克拉姆倒在血泊之中。 …
- Shortly after a number of mysterious and vicious murders, a retro Virus is unleashed that uniquely infects the youth of a highly populated city. Groups of children become infected, deadlocked and highly contagious; resulting in an epidemic. The uninfected attempt to Escape the city from the undead, whilst the Elite Gro…
- Mankind is nearly extinct in this post-apocalyptic creature thriller. Most humans died from a deadly plague and the ice age they manufactured to eradicate it. A man named Vargas leads a group of survivors on a quest to reach Shangri-La, the last safe haven on Earth. However, they must fight through the cold, a mutant c…
- “终极武器”被网友戏称为印度版的刺客信条,讲述了一个普通的印度送奶工本打算为妹妹到金奈置办嫁妆,机缘巧合他成为拯救城市的人民英雄而他自己却浑然不知。后得知真相后他本想回家过自己平静的生活,但是天不遂人愿,恶势力的横行,贫苦人民的水深火热让他不得不披上战袍为正义而战。最终将暴徒,恐怖分子 腐败官员一一铲平。本片动作场面火…