- 《萨布丽娜的惊心冒险》改编自《小女巫萨布丽娜》(Sabrina the Teenage Witch),这个黑暗的成长故事讲述了小女巫的出身和冒险,充满了恐怖神秘元素 — 当然,还有巫术。在第三部分中,萨布丽娜从第二部分中的悲惨事件中恢复过来。虽然她打败了自己的父亲路西法,黑魔王仍被束缚在她深爱的男友尼古拉斯·斯克拉齐的体内。萨布丽娜无法面对自己,…
- The Cassini spacecraft was sent on its way to Saturn in 1997. Since then, she has travelled nearly four billion kilometers, delivered a probe to a toxic moon, discovered phantasmagorical structures on the planet's icy rings, studied the startling atmosphere on a tiny moon. Now, on a daring spiral orbit, Cassini wil…