- The Cayman Islands. It is a Caribbean paradise of sun, sea and cocktails, but there is something else going on. Big money, big corporations... and seemingly no one paying a penny of tax. Now Jacques Peretti travels to Cayman in search of the truth about this controversial British tax haven, and uncovers some shocking …
- HOUSE OF Z chronicles the meteoric rise of fashion designer Zac Posen at the age of 21, his brand's falling out of favor several years later and his challenge to rebuild his company and his reputation. It is both a portrait of an artist, and a look behind the glamorous curtain of one of the most distinguished brand…
- 「或许得开始承认那些令我们无能为力的环境,我们自己也得负上责任。我相信西方人的生活方式抑制了人们的潜能发展。你看本片,应该明白人类的行为有多愚蠢。紊乱将人蚕食,情况越来越严重」 ─导演 洛伊 安德森(Roy Andersson) 极具野心的挑战性钜作,宗教、经济、世代关系、家庭、情爱,种种议题都经过奇特而荒谬的扭曲,呈现出世人经…
- 洋葱电视台以新闻播报准确及时而著称,同时还制作许多专题采访节目,比如采访动作明星“击蛋侠”(史蒂文•西格 Steven Seagal 饰)和清纯流行偶像歌手梅丽莎•雪莉(莎拉•迈克埃利戈特 Sarah McElligott 饰)等。随着美国的全球性文化输出,就连在中东恐怖分子集训营受训的恐怖分子也偷看洋葱电视台的节目。电视台的新闻主播诺姆•阿彻(莱恩…
- Peyton Harris' eighteen year old life is turned inside out when a set of nude photos of her are texted, Snap Chatted, emailed and Tweeted to everyone she knows. She is ashamed and humiliated. It gets worse. The photos have been posted on a "revenge porn" website called exmyex.com. Peyton's mother, Elaine, fee…